Bin Picking Applications

Bin Picking Requirements

Bin picking is often considered as the “Holy Grail” in the world of robot automation. With CANDELOR this solution is already a reality. Bin picking requires the ability to handle several difficult problems:

Detection despite incomplete Data
Parts can occlude each other, so in many cases it is not possible to have a clear view of the objects to be grasped. The objects should be detected despite occlusions. Another difficulty can be the surface that of the objects. For e.g. very dark or shiny objects, the 3D data acquisition can have problems that lead to incomplete data. CANDELOR is designed to handle all these problems.

High Recognition Rates
It is important to detect as many objects as possible in the scene, because this detection data is an important input for following calculation like robotic path planning. Detecting multiple objects means it is possible to find out how the parts are actually entangled and it becomes possible to calculate collision detection for areas that cannot be seen by any sensor.

High Performance
Bin picking applications can have a very wide range of possible cycle times. This can range from over a minute down to a few seconds. CANDELOR is highly optimized to provide robust recognition rates as fast as possible. It automatically makes use of all available CPU cores, and we have demonstrated robust recognition rates for multiple objects in under a second.


iRobFeeder is one of the flagship products, jointly developed by IH Tech and PROFACTOR. It uses CANDELOR 2010 in its core.


We are very proud that iRobfeeder was nominated and has won multiple awards!

Econovirus 2013
iRobFeeder is nominated for the Econovius Staatspreis 2013.

BMW enGenius Award 2012
A project with BMW Motoren Werk Steyr uses iRobFeeder for automatic grasping of crank shafts. More here (German).

Lower Austria Innovation Price 2012
IRobFeeder, developed by PROFACTOR and IH Tech, is used in a robust bin picking application for crank shafts. It took part at the lower austria innovation price 2012. Click here to watch a video (in German).